Halloween X-SPO Artist Booth
Sat, Oct 14
|Spokane Convention Center (West Side)
Artist Alley is open to Artists, Writers & Handmade Crafters only. No Store-Bought Items. No Direct Sales/MLM Companies. Artist Booth is 10'x10' for $150.

Time & Location
Oct 14, 2023, 9:30 AM – Oct 15, 2023, 4:00 PM
Spokane Convention Center (West Side), 334 W Spokane Falls Blvd, Spokane, WA 99201, USA
About the event
Artist Booth (only Artists, Handmade Crafters & Writers are eligible)
Cost: $150.00
· Each Artist booth is 10’x10’ in size.
· Includes one (1) 8’x2’ table, one (1) table linen, two (2) chairs and two (2) badges.
· All Artist Booths are recommended to stay In-Line.
· You are allowed to share an Artist Booth with a second Artist but you must notify event coordinator immediately of second person at registration so they may be added to security/loading dock list.
· Each additional badge is $20 each and can be added on to your initial registration online or at check-in on Friday October 13th, 2023.
· No additional tables will be provided. All Artist Tables are recommended to remain In-Line.
No Pipe & Drape will be provided or be made available for Artist Booths.
· No Direct Sales/MLM companies allowed.
How Our Online Application System Works:
Simply Register Online to apply for a Booth. After your application is reviewed (within 5-7 business days) we'll email you an electronic invoice that will be due in two weeks. Failure to pay for your space in full will result in reserved space lost. After you pay your invoice we'll email you with final confirmation in which your space will be guaranteed.
Sponsor Us:
- Minion - $100 (unlimited available) You get your logo & your website linked to our homepage as an official sponsor.
- Henchman - $250 (unlimited available) You Design a 2.5'W x 4'H Vertical Poster Banner, We print It and hang it inside Convention Center Lobby Entrance + Minion Benefits.
- Boss Level - $500 (10 of 10 available) Your Business Logo on Digital Monitors inside the Convention Center during the show, +2 Comp Badges + all Henchman & Minion Benefits.
- Lord of the Manor - $1,000 (5 of 5 Available) Your Business Logo featured as an official Sponsor on one of our Billboards around Spokane with an estimated 250k impressions 30 days prior to our next show plus Boss, Henchman & Minion benefits.
Artist Alley & Exhibitors Schedule:
Friday October 13th, 2023
· Setup Move-In from 12:00pm to 7:00pm
Saturday October 14th, 2023
· Last Looks from 7:00am to 9:30am
· Day 1 of Show from 9:30am to 6:00pm
Sunday October 15th, 2023
· Last Looks from 7:00am to 9:30am
· Day 1 of Show from 9:30am to 4:00pm
· Move Out from 4:00pm to 8:00pm
For more details regarding Power, subletting Policies & Standards please review info after you register or read below.
Halloween X-SPO (X-SPO) believes in creating a positive atmosphere of diversity & inclusiveness. X-SPO reserves the right to terminate this agreed upon application if any Exhibitor/Artist/Business/Guest etc. is involved in a social media/media controversy and or is accused and or convicted of a crime that puts their scheduled appearance at X-SPO event in a negative spotlight with no refund awarded. This involves but is not limited to: bullying, hate speech, racial injustice, sexual harassment, slander etc.
>>No Direct Sales/MLM Merchandise or MLM Businesses are Allowed to Exhibit at Halloween X-SPO.
No Non-Authentic Pokemon or Nintendo Merchandise (plushies, bags, shirts etc.) is allowed to be sold.<<
Exhibitor/Artist Space:
• Badges must be worn during set-up & for the duration of the show.
• Exhibitors & Artists agree to remain set up during all open hours of the convention. No early break-down is allowed without prior consent of the
Halloween X-SPO (X-SPO)
• Exhibitors & Artists agree to keep their areas “broom clean” at the close of the show and are responsible for any damage. Failure to do so will result in being unwelcome at our next show.
- Exhibitors & Artists must police their own tables to be sure that noise levels from sound systems is kept to a minimum & does not interfere with others.
- Security will be provided during all hours of operation of the show and overnight on Friday after setup and Saturday after day 1 of the show.
• X-SPO reserves the right to determine at what point sound constitutes interference with others and must be discontinued.
• Any damage caused to the building or furnishings by the Exhibitor or Artist is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor or Artist.
• If you cancel 120 days* or more before the date of the show, you are eligible for a full refund of your total payment minus credit card fees.
• If you cancel within 90 days* of the date of the show, you are eligible for a refund amounting to 1/2 of your total payment minus credit card fees.
• If you cancel 60 days* or less (for any reason) of the date of the show, you forfeit your entire payment and you are not eligible for any refund.
• No Refunds on Sponsorship Packages.
• Failure to Setup 1 hour after show starts without communication to promoter will result in lost space without refund or credit awarded & banned from future shows owned & operated by Lilac City Entertainment.
• No Financial Refunds will be given if the show is rescheduled due to Pandemic, COVID, Virus, Outbreak, Lockdown etc. only show credit will be granted for the next scheduled show.
• Halloween X-SPO and Spokane Convention Center are not responsible for any theft or loss. Exhibitor is responsible for his or her own security during show hours.
• The Exhibitor agrees to protect, keep, and save Halloween X-SPO, the promoter of the event, forever harmless from any damage(s) or charges,imposed for violations of any ordinance or regulation by the Exhibitor, his employees or agents, as well as failure to comply with the terms and agreements of this contract. Further, Exhibitors shall at all times protect, indemnify, save, and keep harmless Halloween X-SPO Inc. against and from any loss, cost, damage, liability, or expense which arises out of or from or by reason of any act or omission of the Exhibitor, his employees, or agents.
In the event that Exhibit Hall at Spokane Convention Center or any of the exhibit area thereof is unavailable, whether for the entire event or a portion of the event, as a result of fire, flood, tempest, or another such cause, or as a result of governmental intervention, malicious damage, acts of war, strike, labor disputes, riot, outbreak, pandemic, virus, zombies or agency which Halloween X-SPO has no control (i.e. government, county, state or federal orders) or should Spokane Convention Center decide that because of any such cause it is necessary to cancel, postpone, or re-site the show, or reduce installation time, exhibit time, or move out time, Halloween X-SPO and Spokane Convention Center shall not be liable to indemnify or reimburse the Exhibitor in respect of any damage or loss, direct or indirect, arising as a result thereof.
Halloween X-SPO & Spokane Convention Center Abide by Current WA State Safety Guidelines & in turn ask all Exhibitors & Artists to Follow Current Guidelines which may include Mask Mandate, Proof of Vaccination or Negative Covid test within 72 hours of the Event. Guidelines subject to change & will be communicated 3-4 weeks prior to the event if necessary.
Display & Fire Marshal Regulations:
• Do not encroach on aisles that border your table. Fire extinguishers, hose cabinets, fire exits or fire alarms cannot be blocked or covered.
• All decorations must be flame retardant. They are subject to random flame tests by the Fire Marshal.
• Cardboard boxes, packing materials, waste and debris must be removed prior to the start of the show and kept picked up during the show.
• All Space is subject to inspection periodically.
• Boxed products & sales material storage may be allowed if kept tight & orderly.
• No smoking or Alcohol is permitted within the Exhibition Hall or Convention Center.
• Table coverings are accepted if they do not exceed the table more than 6 inches.
• Exhibitors are responsible for collection and payment of their own Washington State Retail Sales Tax. To obtain a free temporary tax number, call (800) 647-7706 or online:
Electricity & Wifi:
• Electricity can be purchased for an extra cost through The Spokane Convention Center when you order 2 to 4 weeks in advance prior to setup by emailing Susan Stull and including your booth number with the Spokane Convention Center: sstoll@spokanepfd.org
Electricity in the past cost $90 (could be more) for the weekend and payments made directly to the Cention Center, not Halloween X-SPO.
- Electricity is wired through the floor.
- Wifi is complementary inside the Convention Center for Exhibitors.
Payment & Subletting:
• Exhibitor understands the payment policy & agrees to pay the fees as listed on the Exhibitor Request Form.
• Subletting of any table space or sharing is not allowed without the express written permission of the Halloween X-SPO.
• In the case of more than one exhibitor sharing one table, the person whose name appears on this contract assumes full responsibility for their table, as specified here.
Exhibitors agree not to sell or distribute any adult material to minors.
- All adult- only material must be either behind the table or, if displayed on a table or display rack, bagged or covered so that minors may not open it.
- Any adult material depicting nudity must be "blinded" (i.e. the nudity or sexual conduct must be covered).
- No adult magazines are allowed.
- No adult videos are allowed.